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Accountancy Student Stories:
AAT Student Stories: Lindani Malaza | AAT Level 2 &3 Accounting Combined Review

Lindani Malaza

AAT Level 2 &3 Accounting Combined

Lindani was looking to gain more practical knowledge in order to expand his accountancy career, so he decided to enrol on an AAT Level 2 &3 Combined Accountancy course with ICS Learn.

Studying through AAT expands your ability to understand the business world from a wide range of perspectives and it certainly gives you the potential to take on any business-related task without having to stress a bit about it.

Having said that, one might think I have completed my course and I am afraid I must disclose that my course is still in progress. I currently am working as an admin clerk for a big transport service provider in South Africa, a company called Benlane Transport CC.

I have had the privilege to put my knowledge that I have gained at ICS Learn to practice and this opportunity has enabled me to gain a lot of experience and I foresee a great journey ahead of me in the business sector.

When I first enquired with ICS Learn I only had the AAT Level 2 in Accounting, but then after a bit of reconsideration and further research I ended up signing up for AAT level 2 and 3 in Accounting last year around September. I then figured I could take on my studies with ICS Learn after a lot of enquiries with the facility's operators.

They were so supportive, and they gave me all kinds of information I had to ask for.

The affordability of the course with ICS Learn is another factor that I considered when deciding to study and as well as the payment plan. The payment plan is quite suitable for me as far as I have come with my studies.

I found out about ICS Learn was through the regulating body AAT, they have a pool of facilities registered with them that you can choose from. After a long time of reading though all the facilities’ terms and conditions I decided that ICS Learn is the best for me.

ICS Learn has boosted my knowledge in the financial sector to the extent that I can now be recognised as a compatible person in finance department at work.

Even though I have not earned my qualification yet, of which when I do, I am planning on exploring the workplace in the government’s financial departments and the banks as well as they are all aligned with my field of choice.

Even though there are challenges financially, I would recommend others to study with ICS Learn as I reckon it is the best choice.

ICS learn understands peoples' financial challenges, they are able to discuss with you a financial plan that suits your abilities and the best part is their online availability of learning equipment.

With ICS learn you have an online learning platform where you are provided with all that you are going to need during the course of your studies. 

You get to contact your tutor anytime on your student platform about any questions you might have pertaining your studies.

Feeling inspired by Lindani's story? Get in touch today to enrol on a 100% online AAT course with ICS Learn to develop your own accountancy career.